Local Band Network Member Since: July 22, 2011
Last Update: July 22, 2011
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Hi, i'm Cyntrix. I'm a 17 year old producer from Louisville, KY.
Usually, the music I create is Electronic/dance/techno/house music.
I also play keyboards in a band called Think Harder, and was voted onto the Phoenix Hill 2011 All Star Band as Keyboardist of the Year in Louisville KY.
I also like to collaborate with my friends, and will do so as much as possible. As I release more songs, you will notice a lot of the tracks have vocals, guitars, etc. played by my friends.
When performing live, I use a Korg nanoPad, and an M-Audio finger Trigger with Virtual DJ Pro, and Ableton Live.
Thanks for reading, now go check out some of my stuff. I have a lot of stuff up for free. Godspeed.
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