Local Band Network Member Since: June 13, 2011
Last Update: October 31, 2011
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Music types:
Rock, Metal
Our band is called Alpha and Omega. We are a band composed so far of 4 members (working on getting a bassist) and We play, I guess one could say, Hard Rock and Metal. We have played at 4 gigs so far and are trying our best to branch out to become better known. We were working on our demo when the computer we used died and we lost the files, but we are almost done re-recording it.
Band Members:
The Band is composed of 4 members. Aaron Anderson is the 17 year old singer of the band. He has a unique grunge like sound mixed with an opera like style with his voice. He practices constantly to expand his range in singing. Daniel Sanchez is the 17 year old Lead Guitarist that has remixed all of the bands songs due to 2 original members quitting the band and not writing tabs. He has written 4 songs within a week and all sounding amazing. David Elder is the 18 year old Rhythm Guitarist. He not only plays an Electric really well he plays acoustic just as well and maybe even better. Clay Thornbury is the 15 year old Body Building Drummer. His set is quite interesting consisting of 6 toms, 2 floor toms, Ride, Crash, Splash, Hi-Hat and of course a snare. It is made of a 3 piece set mixed and matched to play his style. He plays more of an Off Beat like African music or indian music mixed together with pure Metal and Rock.
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