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Band Details

Audio Airway

Springfield, MO

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: November 2, 2010            Last Update: November 2, 2010
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Music types: Acoustic, Pop
Audio Airway is based of out Springfield, MO. A three piece band with an unique acoustic rock sound, bridging the gap between secular and christian music. Able to rock the stage or the coffee house, Audio Airway is taking acoustic music in their own direction.

Band Members:
Steve Claudin Steve Claudin is the front man of Audio Airway. Playing a sick and relentless rhythm guitar, he is also the man with the baby making vocals. Steve was the front man of a previous band, Open Theory. He is a St. Louis native, and writes many of the bands tunes.

Patrick Queensen Mostly responsible for keeping the beat on the djembe while playing live, Patrick also plays guitar and writes songs, and does some work with the piano when the time calls so. Patrick also was in Open Theory with Steve, and is from Nellyville along with Steve. He also idoes all of the bands recording for the time being.

Rachel Filak Rachis the bands newest member. She can take credit for giving the band their unique sound. She plays a violin like nobody’s business, and produces harmonies that will melt anyone’s face off. She is from Rockford, Illinois and is director of all band Connect-4 engagements. (yes, like the kids game)

SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  Yes
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.audioairway.com
Contact Name:  Patrick Queensen
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Missouri-Springfield
Missouri-St. Louis

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