Local Band Network Member Since: September 17, 2010
Last Update: September 17, 2010
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Epic Death is a Black Metal band that incorporates some speed metal and death metal influences. The band is made up of seasoned professionals who take their music and their stage show very seriously.
Band Members:
After a long battle amongst the horde, from the ashes rising like a Phoenix comes Epic Death; a black metal band that has an array of talent much like the warriors from years ago, each with their very own special weapon.
Epic Death is the brain child of The Guitar Vamp and his long search for the throne that will give him reign over the kingdom of darkness. The dark tones of his guitar and his haunting lyrics touch you just like his fangs on the lily white skin of a maiden.
Mistress Demona is just that, the evil mistress of the keys. Her extensive study of haunting sounds adds eerie excitement to each of the songs by Epic Death, luring you in to her musical spells.
The scion known as Ulfr (pronounced Oolf), the spawn of chaos brings forth his bass like the rolling thunder of Mjollnir itself. The thundering drive of his bass leaves only destruction in its wake as nothing built by man can stand before its onslaught and the onslaught of Epic Death.
Much like the thundering hooves of the great steeds during battle, Dead Speed is known for his precision and ability to provide any beat necessary to take Epic Death into victory. His precise timing, blast beats and intricate break downs allow Epic Death to entice you and make you a part of each song.
Currently Epic Death is completing their self titled CD Epic Death.
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