Local Band Network Member Since: July 18, 2010
Last Update: July 18, 2010
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Music types:
Hip Hop
BIO Born in PG County MD and raised in Baltimore City, Chris “COMRADE” Goodman stands as a change agent in and out of the booth. Since early high school COMRADE has been recognized as a young leader committed to empowering young people to stand up against the system that oppress them. His militant rhymes grew from his political frustration as an organizer of the Baltimore Algebra Project. He has put his freedom on the line in several occasions for the movement and in three of those protests COMRADE was arrested. But this is what COMRADE stands for and many people understand and award him for the work he’s done as a freedom fighter organizing student strikes, sit-ins, and marches etc. COMRADE has won awards on the local and national level for his leadership organizing abilities and has been featured on radio and television programs. COMRADE made the cover B-Magazine with his fist in the air as one of the 10 people to watch under 30 years old in 2010.
COMRADE says the rap game needs a new face. Twenty-one year old COMRADE has been in the rap game since age sixteen. While his inspiration is Nas, COMRADE tries to make music for the "new generation" without losing substance to the lyrics.
"I'm trying to bring something new to hip hop! I'm trying to bring something new to the public. I know it's working because people love it. People pump their fist and buy mix tapes, especially in Baltimore because that's where my base is."I began writing rhymes at 16 to release anger and frustration. These poems transformed into raps. I gravitated toward like-minded artist to form the eight member group ‘Militant Advocates’."
Now as a solo artist, he has released three mix tapes and an album. The first, ‘What I Rap Is SCARY’, then ‘Uncle Sam Has a Different Face’, ‘Radio Take Over’.” The latest album release is titled VENGEANCE. Through COMRADE's up and starting music career, he's performed in Baltimore, D.C, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Oakland, Atlanta, New York City, Brooklyn, Mississippi, Chicago and Houston.
2006 Baltimore Education Network: Beacon of Light Award 2007 Mario Savio Youth Activist Award 2008 Baltimore City Paper: Best Young Activist 2009 Morgan State University: Dean's List 2010 Phi Chi Honors Society 2010 Golden Key Honour Society 2010 Top 10 great Achievers by B Magazine 2010 Host of the 5th Annual Youth Media Festival 2010 Released the hip hop album "VENGEANCE"
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