Local Band Network Member Since: July 23, 2009
Last Update: July 24, 2009
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Music types:
Country, Acoustic
Two brothers, Hale & Nate Looney have played and sang in bands in High School. Went all the way to State in Houston singing George Strait songs. They along with some cousins formed a band called Seventh Addition. It went too far into the hard rock so it disbanded with Hale Looney, singer & songwriter leaving the band. They are still in the reorganization of this country band. They have played in San Angelo (Where Hale goes to ASU) and recently at Rough Canyon near Del Rio. They are scheduled for two more shows there on Labor Day Weekend. Their Seventh Addition Album is called {Young,Broke, and Fabulous} at Oasis. ALL the songs were written or partially written by HALE LOONEY. I think this CD is also on ITunes.
Band Members:
Hale is the lead singer & songwriter. Nate is the lead guitar & harmony singer, he also writes songs. Hale also plays guitar. Cameron is the bass player & sings some. Greg is the drummer and learning fast. John is the keyboard player and doing good. This is a new and promising band. See Hale Looney on Facebook.
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