Local Band Network Member Since: June 6, 2009
Last Update: December 14, 2009
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Music types:
Rock, Metal
11:34 is a rock band from Marion IL that is musically influenced by 90’s hard rock, grunge, alterative rock and heavy metal. This creates a unique sound that allows 11:34 to appeal to a variety of audience musical tastes. Comments heard by band members after show usually include: “You guys sound really tight” and “You guys are fun to watch”. The Musical recipe for 11:34 should include the following: 1 cup of CKY, 1 cup of Faith No More, 2 tablespoons of Stone Temple Pilots, lightly baste with White Zombie and add The Misfits as needed for taste. 11:34 has two albums; Jason McDonald 2008 and I’m Glad You’re Dead recently released in 2009.
Band Members:
The members of 11:34 consist of: Chad Watson lead vocals, rhythm guitar; Jeff Neumann back up vocals, lead guitar; John Belford drums; Aaron Tripp bass, management. Chad Watson and Jeff Neumann are former members of the band Aminion that was on the label Brethren of War records. Aminoin's first record was rated #1 independent release in Metal Magazine 2004.
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