Local Band Network Member Since: June 1, 2009
Last Update: June 1, 2009
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Music types:
Christian, Alternative
Million Miles On the road with Million Miles
If creating Ambient Alternative Rock music in your family kitchen with a 2 and a 4 year old under foot is possible, Million Miles has done it! “If you listen closely enough you just might hear my little guys fighting over toys,” Shane Hull (lead singer/song writer/producer) says as he kicks back and discusses his work on Million Miles’ self-titled debut. “I love to listen to music with the head phones on, you know, listening for all the little treats in there, and letting the music just wash over you… getting lost in the atmosphere of it. We really tried to take these songs and create stained glass rock with intimate details. So we really think people will enjoy it!”
And they have been!
Million Miles has been playing together in front of audiences all over the North East, and one thing they all have in common is this, “Teens are getting into it. I mean, I’ve played in bands before and you might have a couple of kids react, but this has been something completely different. When we play… kids are jumping up and down and singing back to us. It’s really humbling,” Frank Nowicki (drummer) says as he unpacks his bass drum. The chemistry the band has on stage has a lot to do with it too. Their presence on stage reflects their confidence both in their ability to play and confidence ultimately in their message. “Really when you get down to it, its about sharing God’s love with the people we are honored to play for. I remember how much Christian Music affected me as a kid, how the lyrics pointed me to Christ, how I found grace in-between the notes of a lot of those bands, and that’s why we are doing this. We feel like we have an amazing and essential message that has to be heard! We know our kids need it now more than ever,” says Shane.
So, they’re setting out to change the world a few hearts at a time with a couple of Strats and a few Vox AC15s. “We’re a couple of gear geeks serving up buttery tone,” says Chris Duvall (lead guitarist) as he plugs in to play a show. “It’s incredibly satisfying to see God work in the lives of all these teens, and get the chance to rock out too (said with British accent).” But seriously, that is exactly what is happening. Million Miles is fulfilling their purpose as a Christian Band by pointing teens to Christ.
Band Members:
Shane Hull- vocals, guitar Frank Nowicki- drums Lance Pennington- Bass Chris Duvall- guitar
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