Local Band Network Member Since: April 7, 2008
Last Update: April 7, 2008
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Reno's "Cowboys From Hell" is a Pantera Tribute Band Like no other! They honor one of the greatest bands in history "Pantera" They also honor a great fallen hero "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott. "They are the best I've ever seen" Four dedicated musicians that took hiatus from thier owns music to start a tribute band to honor Dimebag. Each year kept snowballing as request kept coming in from Canada to Mexico and the tribute continues on! Rip Dimebag The show is Awesome with detail from the equipment, to the clothing and look a like characters, not to mention the Kick Ass music! These are four seasoned musicians that perform a Awesome Show! that few try to attempt. If you are ever given the opportunity to see them, You Must! Gettcha Pull!
Band Members:
On Guitar Derek McAdow as Dimebag Darrell, The Pipes of Isaac Harris as Phil Anselmo, On Bass Bob Nation as Rex Brown and Drummer Scott Nelson as Vinnie Paul
SonicBids Press Kit: