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Band Details

Red Black Vail

Chicago, IL

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: January 7, 2008            Last Update: January 7, 2008
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Music types: Grunge, Alternative
In December 2005 the band Red Black Vail was originated and built with a dream for success. Impacted and inspired by many of Americas favorite and legendary bands like The Doors, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Three Days Grace and many more Red Black Vail strived to be just as succesful and inspirational to our American culture. As young adults the band memebers of Red Balck Vail knew that it would be a taskful job to fufil their dream and share their talents, but the love and passion for music overcame all if any fears. Red Black Vail began with two band members that were basically self-made. Beginning with their drummer Danny, his resiliance and ambition motivated him to perfect the drums. The originating idea began with the lead singer and guitar player, Raul. His composition of music and vocal talents gave the band a long-lasting jump start.

Today, Red Black Vail continues to move forward and remain consistent with their music. Day by day they structure and implement ideas to be able to share the sounds of Grunge all over Chicago. From the Note to the Congress theater, Red Black Vail is determined to be heard and understood. With songs carrying true meaning, real-life experiences and massive sound they plan on continuing to give orgasmic sound to Americas ears.

Band Members:
Raul Flores-Singer/Guitar Player

Daniel Fagan-Drummer

David G.-Bass Player

Picture     Picture        
SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  Yes
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.myspace.com/redblackvail
Contact Name:  Raul Flores
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Illinois-Chicago (City)
Illinois-Chicago (Suburbs)

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