Local Band Network Member Since: June 1, 2007
Last Update: June 1, 2007
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I have a crooked drum, some rusty harmonicas, coffee stained teeth, songs written in a kitchen somewhere in Montreal and a 71 telecaster that I bought in Israël. Somehow things are ok. Music is endless. Buckley said that. I guess this is my way of saying, yes, music is endless.
I’ll sing you stories I read in books, stories I made up lying in bed, melodies I stole from the past, melodies I invented along the way. The stage is everywhere. I wish I could play everywhere. This city is as beautiful as any other city I’ve seen. Maybe it’s because I saw Andre Ethier, Hayden, Jason Molina, Jeff Tweedy, Neko Case and so many great artists standing in front of me. Maybe it’s because I wanna share my songs.
Maybe it’s because Dylan sang the blues and Cohen sang his poems. Maybe it’s because this city is dirty and broken, but wonderful and blissful at the same time.
Maybe it’s… all of that. Maybe it’s just because music is endless. I wish Jeff Buckley was still alive.
Band Members:
Michel Lam (guitar, harmonica, piano) Jean-Francois Morin (guitar, banjo, mandolin, slide) Ian Jaquier (bass, guitar) Frank Lam (bass, guitar) Phil Lamanque (drum, percs)
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