Local Band Network Member Since: May 29, 2007
Last Update: June 16, 2007
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Music types:
Christian, Christian
My wife and I have been together for over 1 year! We play all original Christian contemporary music. Some of the original has a classic rock flare to it. I play lead guitar or rythym and Maggi plays keyboard/synthesizer. Most of the music and lyrics have been a combination of both our efforts but all the glory goes to God. We want to be a blessing to all who hear us and give hope to a lost and dying world!!Maggi's son, Sam, plays bass guitar with us when he can- he is pretty awesome!
Band Members:
Well, Dana or Kevin as his mom and old friends call him or Roscoe as I call him -- is the brains behind the operation-- he has written most of the songs and has done the arrangements-- i have given my in-put along the way and have done some writing. Roscoe will do the lead with me back up and then we can switch off and I'll do lead as far as the singing goes- Sam,16yo, does great on bass guitar and can also switch off to lead or acoustic. Roscoe ,like I said does a lot of the backround work-- we always have a good time and always expect a blessing when we play!!
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