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Arcanum, OH

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: February 12, 2007            Last Update: February 12, 2007
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Music types: Metal, 80s
We are a band of pure talent, speed, aggression, and sole. We play 80's metal like it should be. We want to bring back the real talent in music that isnt here in today's Metal, this includes Actual Singing, Complex guitar solos, Drum solos, and even solo spots in our shows. We love to please the crowd and will do almost anything to put on a good show. We have never been late or not shown up to a show, and we have a reputation for being under estimated. WE ARE REAPER

Band Members:
VOCALS: Jaysin Shoom- is a radio DJ for WEBN in cincinatti formerely known for being on 103.9 the X. He has been singing for about 11 years. He has a punchy high pitched voice that will give you goose bumps of satisfaction.

LEAD AXE: Wolfgang J. Fox- is a guitar virtuoso who has been playing for four years, and has already mastered techniques that people many years to even learn. He has a Razor edge sound; his rythms are fast and clean, his solos will take you on an adventure as you hear them screaming from the speakers.

BASS: Shaun Grimm- has been playing bass for quite sometime, and has been in many other bands before ours. We were desparate for a bass player, and we had heard from a friend that he was our dude. We found out where he worked, had him come over and jam. He deffinately had the talent we were looking for, and it was all down hill from there.

SKINS: Harley Hines- has been playing alongside Wolfgang since the begining of it all, although both him and Wolfgang are talented, they are always very hard on each other about hitting everything perfect. You could say he is a perfectionist.

Picture     Picture     Picture    
SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
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Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  No
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.myspace.com/0reaper0
Contact Name:  Justin Hines
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Ohio-Dayton

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