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Band Details

The Gary Jackson Band

Doylestown, OH

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: September 4, 2006            Last Update: September 4, 2006
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Music types: Jazz/Blues, Folk
Gary Jackson is a performing singer/songwriter from Northeast Ohio. He can play as a solo artist or with his band, The Gary Jackson Band. Gary's unique guitar playing and powerful songwriting provide for an original and unique sound.

Band Members:
The Gary Jackson Band is an eclectic mix of original acoustic and blues music. Gary Jackson is a prolific songwriter grouned in the blues. His guitar style is mixture of open tuned acoustic, electric blues, and down right sleezy electric slide. He is joined by veteran Bass Meister Gary "Showtime" Sands on Bass, Vocals and Harmonica. Rounding out the tight rythmn section is Glen Beitzel. Glen has been the anchor man in many of Akron's greatest bands. Rob "Mister Jelly" Gundry plays lead guitar and contributes his own original songs to the mix. "I am excited about this new project", says Gary. "It is really the best of both worlds for me. I get to blend my blues roots with my folk/blues originals." Gary continues, "This group of musicians brings so much experience, it is a nice blend. They continually help me take the music to new and exciting places. It is truly a privilege to work with them."

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Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
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No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  No
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.garyjacksonmusic.com
Contact Name:  Gary Jackson
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Ohio-Akron

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