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Lansing, MI

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: May 17, 2006            Last Update: May 17, 2006
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Music types: Punk, Rock
Peter:guitar and vocals, Andrew:guitar, Kenny:drums, Adam:bass, David: moral support Background. Fresh from the heart Lansing, 4 teenage punks yearn to express thier young and foolish angst. Fate drew them together and they formed and inseperable bond called... PAK

Band Members:
Andrew: Guitar Born and raised in the inner city of lansing. surrounded by robbers, drug dealers, crack addicts, rapist, and gang members he got wise pretty quickly. He started school at five years of age and bonded with his neighbor Kenny. Thier friendship grew quickly and they survived the neighborhood together. Then the unthinkable happened. Kenny moved and Andrew was left alone, for better or worse. He was devestated. He had to survive alone for 4 long years. Kenny and Andrew failed to keep in touch. Soon, Andrew's family locked-stepped and they were gone. Gone for the safe suburbs of Lansing. Away from the drugs and danger forever. Without Kenny, Andrew had no idea what to do. He tried video games, sports and action figuars (GI Joes ARE NOT dolls) but nothing would suffice. Until he picked up the recorder. He realized that music was his calling and immediatly began to write songs. He soon picked up other instruments like the clarinet and saxophone. As fate would have it, Kenny and Andrew were re-introduced in Middle School where thier friendship picked up where it was left off. Thier bond grew and so did thier joint love for music. The only problem was they didn't know what to do with all thier locked up anger and emotions. One day an idea dawned on them,"lets form a band". Andrew decided to add the guitar to his already growing list of instruments and they were off. Nothing could stop them now, except that they didnt have anyther members. It took almost a year but they finally found who they were looking for. Peter the giant and magical guitar player and Adam the not so quiet and shy bass player. Now with the perfect members, Andrew dwelled deep into songwritting. Today is the day that PAK is finally ready to take on the world and release thier teenage angist on the world. Look out, because no one is safe from thier captivating music and angerfilled lyrics.

Kenny:Drums I am one of those people who were born to drum. I have always know I liked to drum. I remember being a little kid and banging on pots and pans. I used live in the same neiborhood as andrew. Once school started we became best friends. But I had to move after one year. we met again in midle school where we became friends again. We soon tryed to start a band. Our friendship and love of music has given us determination to make a band and make great music. OGAME universe 14. allaince PAAK

Peter: Guitar and Vocals Alright so Peter was born on July 1st 1990 in Lansing. He went to a private school for 9 years and hated it. He started his ,musical career on the recorder like all 4th graders have and quikly decided to join band the following year. He played clarinet in band for two years before switching to saxophone. In the year of 2003 he took up guitar and excelled fairly quickly. SO now you pretty much know everything about him so any questions just ask and they'll be answered hopefully.

Adam:Bass I never come to practices and im a loser who like little boys.

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Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  No
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Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://pak.altpro.net
Contact Name:  Andrew Gallup
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Michigan-Lansing

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