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The Alta

Glouster County, NJ

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: February 27, 2006            Last Update: June 13, 2006
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Music types: Alternative
Welcome, We are The Alta.With our catchy guitar riffs, driving bass lines, and amazing drums, we're sure to be something you won't wanna miss.

We are a modern rock band with alot of musical influences like:30 Seconds to Mars,Bullet For My Valentine,Senses Fail,Thrice and more. You can check us out on myspace.com or purevolume.com

Well it all began back in the fall of 2003. Ray was over Ron's house for his usual haircut from Ron's mom. Ron overheard his mom ask Ray how his band was doing. This immediately casued Ron to go and check out the conversation. Unfortunately, Ray's band already had a drummer named Dom, but they were looking for a bassist. Ron said that he would play bass for them. After a few practices with the band, Ray found that Ron was a WAAAYYY better drummer than Dom, added to the fact that Dom was just losing interest in the band, Ray decided for Ron to be the new drummer for the band. After only 2 days preparation, Ron, Ray, and Dave Pascale played their first show together. From there they continued playing shows together all the way up til their final show in the begging of August. This show, King of Wing '04 was a blast for the band, however it became a mutual agreement between the 3 that Dave was just not right for the band. That was the last show that the three would play together for, what they thought, would be forever. From there, Ron and Ray went though many more singers, guitarists, and bassists finding none of them to be right for the band. At this point, the band was basically dead.

From there, Ray went off to play in another band, "Center Static". That band consisted of Ray, Alex, JJ, and Judd. after they played a few shows, Ray and Alex <--(who found out at one of their practices I attended that I was a way better drummer [as the case with most of the other drummers Ray has had] than JJ) decided to split from Center Static and begin into a start up a new band with Ron. This was the start of The Alta.

At the begging, it was just Ray, Alex, Ron, and Alex's cousin Jim. Then thrown into the mix on vocals was to be Matt, Alex's brother. However, after many practices unattended by Matt, we recently made the decision of not having him as our vocalist. Then one night after a sick nasty bowling session with Dave Pascale, Ray and Alex thought about getting Dave back in the band. After remember the incredible performance he gave at an acoustic show a couple months ago it was clear to them that he was the extra bit of power the band needed to takeoff. Ray and Alex pulled Dave aside and asked him to join the band. He agreed to the proposition and this about where the story ends, leaving us at our current state.

Band Members:
The Band: Ron DeMuro-Ron is the Drummer of the band. Whether he is conquering France or playing a lead role in a movie, he's referred to as Napolean. He has been playing for about 3 years now, and is always getting better. His influences include bands such as Avenged Sevenfold, Senses Fail, A Static Lullaby, Bullet for My Valentine, 30 Seconds to Mars, Thrice, Panic! At the Disco, Armor for Sleep, and many more. Ron also takes care of creating and running the website, myspace, and purevolume for the band, along with taking care of all the bands graphic design work.

Ray Gallagher-Is the lead guitar for the band. He is the driving force behind the band and has kept the shit together since day 1. However, he has a bad habbit of getting things stuck up in basketball nets. He has about 7 years of experience with guitar and owns 7 different kinds of guitars. One for every year of experience. Some of his influences include bands such as Red Hot Chilli Peppers, System of a Down, Eric Clapton, Steve Vai, Pink Floyd, and Avenged Sevenfold.You can call him Favio. He is incredibly sexy and incredibly NOT single.He's taken by a very sexy person.

Alex Gresko-The Rythm Guitarist. Basically Ray's twin. He's got class, emotion, style, and a collection of deadly weapons in his bedroom. Nickname - Duke Nukem. His influences go from A perfect circle to System of a down but never reach the likes of Lenny Kravitz. He fights fire in his spare time.

Jim Cooper-The Bassist. Meet F dup rabbit. This kid is just too crazy for a bio. Long story behind it but we call him rabbit. It's like Eminem, but not. He enjoys mexican pizza and long walks on the beach.

Dave Pascale-Vocals. Hes got a bowling average of 86, hair that changes almost daily, and his favorite shirt is a blue Italia shirt that hes had since he was 12. We just call him Bosco; well, actually thats probably innacurate since we come up with a new nickname for him everytime he does somethin stupid.

Picture     Picture     Picture    
SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
We have two shows coming up, June 17th, Jamnesty @ the Sunset Auditorium in Pitman Nj. and July 29th King of the Wing in Manahawkin, Nj 06060. Jamnesty is a battle of the bands, from 3-8pm, The Alta will be playing roughly around 4pm.

Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  No
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.thealta.co.nr
Contact Name:  anne higgins
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: New Jersey-Southern

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