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Salt Lake City, UT

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: July 6, 2005            Last Update: July 11, 2005
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Music types: Metal, Adult Rock
In 1999, their first 7 song CD was made. After the death of the bands drummer and childhood friend, a few lineup changes were made. The current lineup has been playing shows for more than 2 years and promising things are happening! Idiocracy is...

Eric Short on Lead Guitar and Lead Vocals Ryan Brown on Bass Guitar Paul Griffen on Drums and Backup Vocals

Recently, Idiocracy played at the "GROWL AT THE RALLY" As part of the Jack Lott Freedom Festival in Downtown Evanston, a 3 day event held every year. It was a great show, and they express sincere thanks for the bands and fans that watched.

Their new CD is due to be released in about a month and they are excited that the old fans along with the new ones will be able to take home what they experience at the shows!

Band Members:
Eric Short is the lead singer and lead guitarist.He is the founding member of Idiocracy. With his strong voice and guitar skills, he gets more than just the job done.

Ryan Brown is the youngest member of Idiocracy. He learned to play bass under a very talented and respected musician here in Salt Lake City. One thing that sets Ryan apart is his ability to switch gears and play many genres at any time.

Paul Griffen is a very hard hitting drummer from here in Salt Lake.Very well known here, he is very respected in the community for his talent and power on the drums. Definitely a must-see!

SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  Yes
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://myspace.com/idiocracymusic
Contact Name:  Michelle Sands
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Utah-Salt Lake City

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