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The Beauty Unseen

Cocoa Beach, FL

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: February 20, 2005            Last Update: November 21, 2005
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Music types: Rock
The Beauty Unseen came together in the fall of 2002 when I (Matt Michalak) left my home in Western Massachusetts and set out to discover new opportunities and ultimately start a new life in Central Florida. Shortly after arriving I met Jimmy Brinkle, who was my classmate at the time, and instantly we discovered that we both held many of the same musical interests and aspirations as the other. In no time at all we began experimenting together on our beginner guitars and ten watt amps and found that our styles complimented one another. Soon we began spending every waking moment striving to improve our abilities and sharing our ideas on how we could reach the next level. School was even more unbearably long and tedious than usual and the only thing that calmed our nerves was knowing that the weekend would allow us more practice time. After turning Jimmy's backyard shed into our own little practice space and playing together out there for several months on our own, we soon realized that in order to take our commitment to the next level we would need a drummer. We tried several drummers out and eventually settled with Joanna Davis who was a grade below Jimmy and I. The three of us formed a friendship based three-piece under the name Loudspoken and played a couple of local shows throughout the rest of that year. However, once 2003 rolled around, Joanna left the band due to stomach complications. So Jimmy and I wrote some new songs, upgraded our equipment and eventually found Vinny to fill in on drums under the new name of In Honor Of. Vinny was a good drummer, however differences with Jimmy and I eventually led him to seek other opportunities. That is when we found Jordan. Jordan came to us in the nick of time to fill in on a last minute show we had previously commited to and stuck with us for an entire year following that show. We even released a four-song demo entitled, "How Long, Oh Lord?" in that Fall of that year and began promoting it independently throughout the local scene. When our high school days came to a close we all found ourselves uninterested in going off to any major university. Instead, Jimmy and I continued playing together and began writing new material while Jordan parted ways with us in order to seek new opportunities. Nevertheless we pressed on. We recruited an old classmate of ours named CJ, who has a passion for guitar but at the same time is also very talented on drums. Recently the three of us have begun practicing together and are making now making plans to once again work our way back into the local scene.

Band Members:
Jimmy (Bass, Vocals) CJ (Drums) Matt (Guitar, Vocals)

SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  Yes
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.myspace.com/thebeautyunseen
Contact Name:  Matt Michalak
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Florida-Melbourne

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