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I Don't Know

Rochester, NY

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: June 28, 2004            Last Update: June 28, 2004
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Music types: Punk, Punk
I Don't Know is a real street punk band from Rochester, New York. Basically, we have an east coast punk sound and our major influences include The Casualties, Cheap Sex, The Unseen, The Clash, NOFX.. however we don't limit ourselves when we write music in any way. We try to always demonstrate our beliefs through our music and we believe that music is the best way to communicate to society and make a point. Among our goals and beliefs are emphasizing individuality creatively and originality in people. Acceptance and tolerance of people of races, genders and ages is crucial in a successful world. People in human history have always discriminated and been afraid of people that are different, and various attempts have been made to limit our natural differences such as the Nazi Party's Arian Race and the white militia and beliefs that there is a "correct" way of being human. Punk is about spitting our differences in society's face, and making the public more tolerable of them by literally making ourselves different.. from cutting up your clothes to finding a different way to wear your hair to picking a traditional look on people and doing the complete opposite. There are 6 billion people in today's world and you shouldn't be encouraged by a society that doesnt give a fuck about you to strive to be somebody else, or buy into an image of pop culture telling you who to be. We believe that the American government can be corrupt at times and that it is the right and responsibility of people who see it to make it available for other people to see and fix. We believe that there are right wing people who will never change their views or even debate what they "believe", but the majority of people are willing to be pursuaded with reason and logic about important things in the world around them, and a good portion of people don't know where they stand on certain topics. If you really believe in what you say your beliefs are, you should have no objection to arguing them with someone who disagrees. I think that any member of I Don't Know would be willing to debate their views with you, so just email us for AIM screen names or go to the message board on our site or email us if you'd like to. Lastly, we believe that you should always keep a light mentality with relationships with other people.. the world would be a lot better if people could put things in perspective. We need to define words like oppress, democracy, capitalism, prejudice, terrorism, society, media and really make sure that we're doing the best that we can as a race of civilized people in doing the right thing regarding them. Going along with what i said earlier about debating your views, people should never preach what they believe as fact, but as opinion to other people. Give reason to other people and make sure that they actually believe what your telling them, especially with children. It's not ok to tell a kid that a certain "god" is real and that it is fact, no matter how strongly you believe it. Don't brainwash kids in politics or religion, becuase if you tell him that something is true he will believe you. People should always have an open mind and accept the possibilty that they could be wrong. If not, how can we advance and reform as a society?? Well thank you if you read all that, and again email us if you have any questions. Check out the site!!

-i DoN't KnOw

Band Members:
Justin K. Ozz- Lead Vocals Bibby Dipaulo- Guitar, Vocals Odd Ball Winn- Bass Girlfriend Grove- Drums

SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
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Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  No
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.idontknowpunx.cjb.net
Contact Name:  zach grove
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Iowa-Rochester

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