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Band Details

Feral Moan

oakland, CA

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: February 4, 2004            Last Update: February 4, 2004
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Music types: Rock, Alternative
Inspired by the need to hear something different, Feral Moan set out to create a new brand of modern rock. They are best described with their self-invented term: Libido Rock. Taking from both the alternative and the mainstream sides of the Rock spectrum, they have been able to find a unique blend of soulful-ness and sonic mayhem reminiscent of the Foo Fighters and Led Zepellin. The songs have raw, powerful vocal lines, think heavier crazier Pearl Jam, and have some of the spiciest guitar work this side of Carlos Santana. That, combined with heavy funkyfied bass lines ala RHCP, and over the top percussion similar to Tool, make the tunes truly engaging and fresh.

Lyrically, they target a wide range of themes. From obsession to personal responsibility, to living fast and hard to relationships, the words come alive and take the listener through the trip that is Feral Moan’s music.

The Band has been performing consistently all around the Bay Area, concentrating on the scene in San Francisco. The guys have also journeyed into cyberspace, broadcasting their brand of rock on the Internet from the famous Expression Center for New Media. They also have performed live on Stanford's College Radio station KZSU.

Feral Moan released its first self-produced album in 2004.The record is a no holds barred collection of emotionally charged high octane tunes. The second album is already in pre-production and is to be completed by late 2004

Band Members:
The current lineup of Paul Liston (vocals), Damian Lynch (bass), Tim Dayner (drums) and Jose Santiago (guitar) has been together since December 2002. While Paul and Tim made California their home early in their life, Damian and Jose are recent arrivals to the Bay area. Nonetheless, the Golden State is home.

Picture     Picture        
SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  Yes
Record Label: N/A
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.feralmoan.com
Contact Name:  jose santiago
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: California-Oakland/East Bay

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