The Venue |
Local Band Network Member Since: April 27, 2004
Last Update: April 27, 2004
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Music types featured:
Tribute, Jazz/Blues
The Cultural Education Project (CEP Inc) is sponsoring a TRIBUTE IN JAZZ to R&B/Blues Legend NELLIE LUTCHER, on Sunday, May 9, 2004, at the CEBU Restaurant, 3224 W. Vernon Ave., Los Angeles, --2pm - 5pm. This is a fundraiser for the CEP INC Childrens Travel Fund and your $20 donation --for buffet luncheon and show-- is tax deductible. Show features the Richard Davis Quintet and Singer, Jacqueline Levy. For more info: call 213-389-8400.
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Their Contact Information |
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Contact Name: NIANI BROWN
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Address: (click for a map)
Cultural Education Project, Inc.
3807 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1050
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Phone: 213-389-8400
California-Los Angeles