Local Band Network Member Since: March 21, 2011
Last Update: March 21, 2011
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The Underground TV is an Independent Talk Show in which we showcase Indepedent Artist to play their original songs and we also Interview them. Artist play 1 or 2 original songs in front of a Live Audience of about 110-160 people. The atmosphere is fun and exciting, it is also great for exposure and practice performing live in front of cameras and audience so when you get famous! Although we film in Texas, band from across the United States can participate as we are gearing up for State Correspondents. All genre's of music is accpeted
Alternate web site:http://theundergroundtv.net Contact Name: Brandon MIchael
E-mail address:
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Address: (click for a map)
232 Mack Hollimon
Kerrville, TX 78028
Phone: 214-930-1581