Local Band Network Member Since: October 29, 2010
Last Update: October 29, 2010
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There is a reason that so many local, National, and International bands are choosing DC as their rehearsal facilty-Quality, Professionalism, Convenience, Comfort and Affordability!!
Use our top name equipment or bring yours!!--- Designed after the most famous rehearsal rooms in NY, LA, and NASHVILLE, each of our 4 spacious carpeted and air conditioned rehearsal rooms come equipped with 2 guitar halfstacks, a full stack bass rig, a complete drumset, and a 1200 watt sound system with floor monitors!!THATS RIGHT I SAID 1200 WATTS- not 100 or 150 or even 600 watts-1200 WATTS IN 3 OF THE 4 ROOMS!!-why in only 3 of the rooms?- because my soundstage (room D) has 13,000 watts of sound with a 4 way monitor mix and a 32 channel board and a HUGE 12 x 24 stage with drum riser and lighting trusses with 16 par 64 fixtures!!!! THIS ROOM IS GREAT FOR TOURING REHEARSALS AND STAGE READINESS REHEARSAL!! Our rates start at 50.00 for a 3 hour block or 22.00 per hour. Oh yeah, we even include guitar stands,Music Stands, acrylic drum screens and barstools in every room !!
No other local rehearsal facility has as much gear as we do, or is as complete in service, size or quality as we are!!!! Yamaha, Gretsch and PDP Drumsets. Fender, Crate, Marshall and Line 6 guitar rigs. Crate and Gallien Kreuger Bass Rigs. Forgot your Drumstix?? Picks?? Strings?? Straps?? Pedals?? Cymbals?? Guitar cables??...NO WORRIES; WE GOT EM IF YOU NEED IT!!-you can borrow them AT NO EXTRA CHARGE!! We also have a relaxing lounge area and we offer sodas and water refreshments!!
Want to rent our gear for your special show?? need sound? lights?spotlights?backline?we are the cheapest in town!!
Need a GREAT Sound system for your next show?? need a REAL sound technician to do it right?? we can help!!We have provided gear and services for over 4000 shows!! we offer sound systems starting at 75.00 per night !!
SOUNDSTAGE NEWS!!!We are almost ready for LIVE DVD Multitrack recording for as low as 150 bucks- walk out the door with your youtube ready DVD!!!! Call us for more info!!-561-429-3940- you will want to check this out!!- WANNA RECORD YOUR NEXT CD????Our 16 track Digital and analog recording should be ready this month!
DC Rehearsal and Soundstage-561-429-3940 1109 Okeechobee rd- WPB, 33401 directions here:
See here for more info, room photos, events, and band photos of the quality bands that have chosen DC Rehearsal!! http://www.myspace.com/dcrehearsalstudios
check us out on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/dcrehearsalstudios