Local Band Network Member Since: October 24, 2006
Last Update: October 24, 2006
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SOP'S on main is everything you can expect from Peoria's #1 live venue! Come see the best bands from this area and the mid-west featured every week on Peoria's #1 stage. If you haven't checked out SOP'S in a while, you better get down and give it another look! They not only have the best drink specials downtown but some of the best in Peoria. They also have live music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and they feature a live DJ spinning the best music on Tuesdays and Sundays! Why aren't you down there right now!?!?
Alternate web site:http://myspace.com/sopslive Contact Name: Lance Deemer
E-mail address:
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Address: (click for a map)
625 Main St.
Peoria, IL 61602
Phone: 309-677-9877