Local Band Network Member Since: June 2, 2005
Last Update: June 2, 2005
Average rating:
(0 votes) Vote now! Music types featured:
Alternative, Bluegrass
The BrewHouse is located inside a Historic barn with a casual atmopshere. Perform inside on our barnwood floors or outside on the lawn! We are located on M-53 twenty minutes north of M-59 and 5 minutes south of I-69. Call (or email) us today to schedule your performance! Choose a ticketed event or 'pass the hat' and we'll even help you sell your merchandise (unless you have staff to do so!) We are a cafe & espresso bar--not a brewery! We brew COFFEE and TEA. Free refreshments for all performers.
Alternate web site:http://www.thebrewhousecafe.com Contact Name: Jennifer Grant
E-mail address:
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Address: (click for a map)
622 S. Main
P.O. Box 601
Almont, MI 48003
Phone: 810-798-8214