Local Band Network Member Since: May 17, 2005
Last Update: May 17, 2005
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Vineyard Community Center has always hosted a number of activities for all ages. It's a place to feel comfortable and have a good time with your peers. Knowing this, John Odean, the owner of Vineyard, decided to bring a younger couple into the mix to give their own ideas. After long discussions they decided the next step for Vineyard was to create a venue that began to develop with the help of Brittny H. and Jacob S.
"We decided people our age needed a more enjoyable and more welcoming atmosphere. We wanted to create a place that we would want to come to ourselves."
We have been successful with everything we have attempted with Vineyard so far. We are always brainstorming for more ideas to make this venue even more complete then it already is. So far we have a killer line-up of bands every other Saturday (2nd and 4th Saturday of the month), a great atmosphere, extraordinary sound, and food and drinks to your liking with the latest opening of "The Café".
So if you are looking for a fun venue with great music to come to, or for something good to eat or drink, make sure to check out our website to see when the next show is and who's playing!