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Old Westbury, NY

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: January 14, 2005            Last Update: January 14, 2005
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Music types: Rock
Chiba-Ken's first signs of life began humbly back in 2001. A small apartment closet doubled as a recording studio for lead singer George Freund. While earning a film degree at the University of Central Florida, George recorded 24 songs, playing every instrument on each track. Recording alone would not satisfy his musical hunger however, and the search began. George posted an internet ad looking to start a band. He uploaded a few of the songs he recorded, and within two weeks had a promising response. That response was from Joshua Jaffe, a professional graphic designer (who would later design their demo cover, merchandise, and this site) and an accomplished bassist with years of experience playing with various bands in the local scene. After meeting in NYC’s Union Square, the two realized that they were both on the same musical page, but frustration set in after five exhausting months of auditioning drummers proved fruitless. As their faith in New York musicians dwindled, George received an email from a drummer named Jason D'Amelio, a forensics major from Long Island, also a veteran of the local scene. He walked into the studio and began to play. Jason’s precision drumming left no doubt in their minds… Chiba-Ken had found its drummer. As serendipity would have it, Jason offered not only formidable talent on the drums, but he also knew of a guitarist who just might fit in this burgeoning project. Elias Tannous' airy melodic style was an attractive juxtaposition to Joshua’s intricately powerful bass lines as well as the crushing double bass and blistering snare hits of Jason’s drumming. With a lifetime of piano behind him, the Long Island native soon became an integral ingredient in Chiba-Ken’s compositional style, a slight career shift from his pre-med education at Fairfield University. Lastly, the four decided to round out their melodic sound with a harder edge, and began auditioning rhythm guitarists. After spending several years in Dallas, Texas, Eddie Delgado returned to his home state of New Jersey to pursue his interests in visual communications, and to find a new band. Disenchanted with the local scene in the tri-state area, late night web surfing led Eddie to Chiba-Ken, a band he felt could appreciate his specific musical approach. The crunchy grind of Eddie’s rhythm guitar proved to be the final instrumental ingredient, and elevated the gestalt of Chiba-Ken’s sound beyond the sum of its parts. The result is a simultaneously strong and agreeable sound that merges the power of its heavier elements with the unsuppressed talent inherent in its individual musicians. The band's name, taken from a Tokyo prefecture that once served as George's home, is just as ambiguous as the bands' sound. Call it post-hardcore, call it emo-core... whatever. Just call it Chiba-Ken.

Band Members:

SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  Yes
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.chiba-ken.net
Contact Name:  Elias Tannous
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: New Jersey-Central
New Jersey-Northern
New Jersey-Southern
New York-Long Island
New York-New York City

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