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The Disabled

Holmen, WI

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: December 19, 2004            Last Update: February 14, 2005
Average rating: 5 out of 5   (1 votes)  Vote now!

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Date: 1/25/2005
UserName: Phillip666
Vote: 5 out of 5
Comments: You guys play an awesome show. I hope you make it big.
Music types: Punk, Eclectic
The Disabled formed in the summer of 2004. Since that great day, we have played a few shows and recorded a DIY album. We play mostly originals with tasty cover songs sprinkled throughout our set. Here is everyone's favorite drunken jackass Alex.

Sorry we lied, we suck. We aren't even in a band. We did this so people would pay attention to our misreable, godawfull live. If you met us you'ld wish wish we would have born with our hearts outside of our body so we would die. Wait, screw it we'll form a band. Hey Whiskey just us some rythme.

We don't know what that was either. We're pretty good. And what we lack in talent we more than make up for in hustle and heart. And the scorching otherwordly hotness of our rhythm section. Worth the price of admission. Trust me.

Band Members:
Whiskey Nick- guitar/vocals/song writer Likes: long walks, reading and curling up with a warm glass of eggnog by the fireplace Dislikes: cole slaw and baked beans

Lizzie Homewrecker- bass/vocals/songwriter(good) Watch your pocketbooks fellas, here comes Lil'homewrecker Lizzie coming for your marriage vowes and your spending money. Before you know it you're buying her dinner and a one way ticket to the Riviera. She smells pretty but don't let that fool you, she fights dirty. P.S. Tits always hot!!!

Alex Alan Witchcraft 2001-drums/gay/songstress The cutest band member who doesn't have boobs and isn't named lizzy. What can I say chicks dig the effeminate. What he brings to the mix? Mad drum skillz and a little something that we in the business call "attitude." By attitude we mean blatant homosexuality. God he loves to tongue the muscular thighs of hot men. 1-900-BUTTLUV.

SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
No news reported
Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  Yes
Record Label: 
Hate You and Your Whole Family    
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  
Contact Name:  Elisabeth Leitzen
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Wisconsin-Eau Claire

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