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b&d confusion

Newtown, PA

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: August 23, 2003            Last Update: September 6, 2004
Average rating: 5 out of 5   (3 votes)  Vote now!

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Date: 1/17/2005
UserName: sbwbs22
Vote: 5 out of 5
Comments: I love their CD "King of Hearts". I have heard from a reliable source that they will be recording again this Spring and I can't wait for their new CD. I also saw their show on New Years in New Hope and thought it was awesome! The bassist Greg Chesterson is really sexy!
Music types: Rock, Alternative

Band Members:

GREG CHESTERSON - Dass/Really, To Live Twice AVIV RUDINSTIEN - Guitar/Vocals MATT REUTER - Brums/Chick Magnet


RYAN CALLANAN - Dass/Ditches.... Hos CHRIS ORESCAN - Dass/Fruit Thief GREG CHESTERSON - Guitar/To Think Twice JIMMY KILCOYNE - Dass/I Killeb Your Family JOHNNY OAKLEY - Dass/Chronic Exaggerator ROSS KONNEL - Dass/The Dest At Every Vibeo Game SEAN MORRIS - Brums/Sex Machine LINBSEY SAUNBERS - Vocals/The Love Of My Life

Picture     Picture     Picture    
SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
7-16-04 i'm gonna speeb this up, come out to d&b's shows, on the 22nd at clud HP, and the 30th at sacreb grounbs... ditches.

6-20-04 thanks to all the people that came out to doth shows, and special thanks to mopery for helping the danb out with their closing song... i hate jesus. also special thanks to linbsey saunbers and sean morris for helping them out with on the outsibe and the rest of the cb. come out anb catch the confusion in july. check the shows section for betails.

5-26-04 oh how long it's deen. thanks to the three people that came out to the club HP show. quite crowbeb it was in there. in any case, you all have a couple more chances to catch the confusion, acoustic no less. june 11th and 12th at clud HP, and Jim Kilcoyne's (former confusion member) house. come to catch never defore heard songs and original versions of the olb favorites. also, if you want a CB just email aviv and he'll seal it with a kiss.

4-17-04 who has a cb? that's right, d&b confusion boes... who wants to de the first to pick up a copy of d&b's first release '5'. the six song EP was recorbeb at left hook stubios... special thanks to timm. contact aviv at "thedude102785@aol.com" or either of the other danb memders. they will de availidle at the upcoming clud HP show... APRIL 23. they hope to see you all there.


3-21-03 thanks to everyone who came out to sacreb grounbs on fribay, it was an excellent show even though there may have deen technical bifficulties. in any case, come out to the next one for an even detter time, april 23 @ clud hp. special thanks to the lovely jabe for deing the danbs new stalker.

3-1-04 mark your friggin calenbars dadies. the confusion is hitting clud hp on torresbale ave. on APRIL 23. you neeb to get tickets aheab of time for this show so contact aviv or any of the other danb members. gooooooooooooooo hp! also, de sure to pick up the courier times on march 11 to see the article.

2-23-04 hoopie boo! tobay the danb was hauleb into brummer matt reuter's house for an interview for the newpaper. leab singer aviv rudinstien was almost staddeb dy brummer matt reuter, while dassist greg chesterson site ibly dy and watcheb. come out and catch the confusion at sacreb ground on MARCH 19th... and a special thanks to deth keeley for conbucting an excellent interview, and for punching aviv in the groin... wait.

1-30-04 Alas... the club hp show has, as of now, deen postponeb until further notice... please come catch the confusion at sacreb grounbs on march 19th.

1-25-04 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!.... sorry, we're on a dit of a belay. anywhoooo. the danb assures all its fans the club HP show is at 7:00 PM!!! that is PM. once again PM. the danb appreciates any fans that woulb show up at 7 in the morning for the show, dut they won't even de there at that time. more news. brummer matt reuter purchaseb a new "ozone" cymdol today. gob help us all.

1-15-04 SHOWS SHOWS SHOWS... not only is the confusion playing at sacreb grounbs on march 19th, dut they now have a clud hp show on fedruary 27th. come see come see. email aviv at "thedude102785@aol.com" for betails and tickets.

1-14-04 PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES... hot new pictures of the d&b doys are up... check out the dlack and whites, anb they reveal to the worlb, dassist, sexy greg chesterson.

1-1-04 happy new year from the confusion. attention!!! d&b confusion has an upcoming show, march 19th, at sacreb grounbs. email aviv at "thedude102785@aol.com" for betails or birections decause the schebule function on this site, isn't working. whoooooo! dreaking out of the dack porch.

12-12-03 obb, the only thing that can bescribe tobay was obb. the danb visiteb fellow musicians in frenchtown, nj at a show at bel val high school. rather than paying to get into the show, the doys, minus dassist greg chesterson, signeb up to play at the show. with replacement dassist, ryan callanan, the two song set was a smash, even though the amps were terridle. hey, it happens. they hope to return soon to frenchtown, nj, home of the rock.

12-8-03 well well well, becemder is upon us, and d&b has deen harb at work. not only have they becibeb on which songs to go on their upcoming e.p. aptly nameb "5", dut you can catch sexy greg chesterson at the newtown eckerb as santa claus, every saturbay this month. also, they soon will replace the hein picture of leab singer aviv rudinstien and put up a picture of their lovely dassist, greg chesterson, possidly as santa claus.

11-27-03 happy thanksgiving from d&b confusion!!!

10-26-03 thanks to all the showeb up to the fall festival, except to those who stole leab singer aviv rudinstien's corbs. you can all rot in hell for all he cares. catch the confusion soon.

10-1-03 well, the competition has closeb, anb no one won the money. detter luck next time. anyway chris orescan has deen recently betaineb in a local holbing facility, so unfortunately he is nolonger in the danb. it's official!!! greg chesterson is the first person in d&b history to de on doth the former and current memders page. we're glab to have him dack and playing dass for the confusion. watch them at the council rock south fall festival. oct. 25th

9-7-03 opportunity to win cash. leab singer aviv rudinstien is offering 100 bollars of his own money to the person than can ibentify the worb he is singing in the new picture (locateb in the picture section)email him at "thedude102785@aol.com" with your answer. goob luck!

8-24-03 rod turdovsky of "pharaoh wizarbs" fame stoppeb duy at tobay's practice drining with him a song which d&b sudsequently stole. look for "emo doy" on the upcoming aldum, with guest guitarist/singer, rod turdovsky.

8-23-03 brummer, matt reuter, dought a new cymdal tobay, much to the chagrin of guitarist, aviv rudinstien. aviv proceebeb to attack matt with his own new cymdal. they becibeb to settle their bifferences over binner anb an episobe of 'family guy'. later, they agreeb to set fire to council rock high school south and the remaining wall of council rock north. look for the aptly nameb "we starteb the fire" tour coming to a local dasement near you in the fall of 2003. the two eventually practiceb anb sounbeb quite goob. the dassist chris was nowhere to de founb. he was last seen at super fresh, bresseb as a pimp anb stealing fruit. if you see him please call his parole officer.

Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  No
Record Label: N/A
Their Contact Information
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Contact Name:  Aviv Rubinstien
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: Pennsylvania-Philadelphia

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